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Analysing Trends in Business – The Benefits of a Centralised Repository of Data

We’ve spoken at length about the power of data in today’s hyper-connected, automated world. And that’s in all facets of it – from how we communicate, to how we shop – because data provides irrefutable information in the form of hard numbers, to us as consumers, to the businesses we own, and to the commercial entities with whom we interact. It’s all-permeating, with infinite value – value it commands because of the rich, instantaneous information it can give us, when we need it.

But at Strategix, we talk business – and in this case the business of data specifically, how to curate it, interpret it, and then use it to make better business decisions.

Introducing, Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365) – an enterprise resource planner (ERP) that is a central data repository for your organisation. Into its interface you can plug every business structure, from HR to supply chain management, even customer relationship management (CRM). And from these facets, D365 constantly and accurately gleans information to fill a deep, central pool of data. This is data that’s as valuable to your business as water to crops, because it’ll provide you with the informational nourishment to make the decisions that spur growth.

Let’s unpack the benefits a central data repository can bring your business.

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Central data repository

Dynamics 365 is a powerful tool that can be enhanced through the use of a central data repository.

But what is that? The central data repository is stored data gleaned from the different databases that are plugged directly into your business’s many different departments. This data merges into one pool, and that pool can be shared with relevant people business-wide, disseminating the departmental insights that can be used to steer the business to more opportunities.

The power of the central data repository system

A central data repository can improve efficiency and performance within Dynamics 365, and thus a business. These are just some of the benefits of a central data repository.

Reduces time consuming updates and redundancies

Efficiency, with the edge that comes with data integration and less redundancies in information, is the name of the game in modern business – it saves time for decision makers, opening the market landscape up to better procedural flows, better choices, and thus more of a competitive advantage all-round.

Enhances data quality and accuracy

As we’ve mentioned, the data that can come from a central data repository, is usually rich – not inaccurate, tainted, muddied or poor of quality. This means that money and time is saved- especially when it comes to accurate analysis, because said data is perpetually updated to ensure it’s clarity, and is then standardised across databases, business-wide.

Centralises the storage and maintenance of data

A central data repository quashes the need for constant data synching. So, stakeholders and those privy throughout the business can make changes once, and those changes will be reflected in one primary hub, to all other eyes that are required to see it. This means that real-time data is shown to relevant people in the business, in one place, with automated, immediate notifications. And all this ensures better, smoother processes, and vastly improved efficiency.

Maintains data history

A central data repository system stores data, so that trends that have led to past business successes, can be called upon and mimicked in decision making.

As you can see, the takeout from the above is that the benefits of a central data repository system are worth the effort. What D365 and Strategix can guarantee, is simplification of the integration process, with your existing ERP, or process manager. Then, when we flick that switch, the clarity of the data you’ll soon be pooling, will be nothing short of crystal.


And as always, Strategix are here to help you master the facets of the software

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